Friday, July 30, 2010

Type Of Leather In Cricket Balls


We made a long journey before arriving at this point .... We can compare
"Lovecraft Black & White" on a submarine that has traveled countless miles dive has certainly communicated with many ships and vessels, ports and airports has touched, it was also sometimes stopped for repairs. Some were then noticed us, especially those who wanted to become part of our crew, especially those who were maybe a radar while we were passing. But the vast majority of sailors has continued to date their own way without realizing that a few meters depth we were passing us .....
We can also compare the project to a building - Although it is perhaps as banal similarity. Party to be a cottage, became gradually a sumptuous palace full of rooms, gardens, balconies, skylights, doors and so on and so forth. But always with a definite project in mind.
But now after years (have already been more than two years since the project took shape for the first time!) Path is time to bring out the periscope, to emerge, take a breath of fresh air and finally proceed with navigation surface.
and the destination to which we hope to reach is Lucca 2010! Of course the best place for the first time to present our brand new catalog of Lovecraftian horror to art lovers, cartoon, cinema, games and so on ...

But what is a good time, "Lovecraft Black & White"?
would be quick to say that it is a book of illustrations Lovecraftian.
It's actually something much more complex and original that I will try to summarize. So we will talk about it anymore.
is that of a collection of images (99% unknown, in a few cases, re-edited for the occasion) that starting from a few scenes of the most significant impact of HPL stories intended to illustrate the style and the sensitivity of different artists involved. And everything is branded and made in Italy black and white.
Actually we are allowed some guests cii stranieri nelle parti redazionali, ma il cuore pulsante del volume - vale a dire la gallery - è autenticamente italico al 100% e ne siamo giustamente fieri, non solo per i nomi coinvolti (importantissimi) ma anche perchè siamo riusciti ad attuare un altro degli intenti del volume e cioè l'eterogeneità.
Troverete infatti artisti classici del cosiddetto fumetto popolare accanto a esponenti del fumetto d'autore; ci saranno illustratori puri accanto a giovanissimi di autentico talento. E anche gli stili e le tecniche di esecuzione saranno allo stesso modo piacevolmente varie.

Che dite? Volete la lista dei contributors?
Al tempo... al tempo.... Non vorrete che vi sveliamo tutto e subito, vero?
Ultima cosa per ora: The project comes under the aegis of Dagon Press, Pietro Guarriello (the blog can be visited through our links), which collects all the most interesting initiatives concerning the weird and Lovecraftian to occur in Italy. In this sense, information about any future developments "Lovecraft Black & White" will be visible through that site. The Dagon Press is now a reality well known to fans of the industry for quality and attention to what is proposed. If there was no note, know him!
In the coming months at sea that separates us from Lucca will post more information on this blog, just as the names involved, some (SMALL) details of the designs that we expect will be some anticipation curiosità e stato dei lavori... Siamo ormai abbastanza pronti....
Coloro che già erano a bordo vi rimangano allora, gli altri salgano pure: sono i benvenuti!
Il tratto finale del viaggio è sempre il migliore......


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