Monday, September 20, 2010

Intensive Emt Basic Programs Colorado

unusual pairing: Enoch, Chagall and Lovecraft .... Messages from

Another name extremely well known and worship Luca Enoch .

Sarebbe lunghissimo rammentare tutti i suoi meriti: in poche parole, è uno degli autori più bravi e distinguibili in circolazione.

Il suo marchio di fabbrica è inconfondibile con personaggi come Sprayliz, Gea e la recentissima Lilith , ma non solo….

Il suo disegno miscela insieme un omaggio artistico alla pittura di Marc Chagall e ispirazioni lovecraftiane per un’opera di sicura presa e di fascino notevolissimo.

Ecco Luca Enoch's biography .

Luca Enoch (Milan, June 12, 1962) is an Italian comic book artist.

still in swaddling clothes moved to Monza, before returning to Milan in 1992. In 1994 he married his wife Anna, born in 1998 his first daughter, Isabella, and the second in 2001, Elena.

Immediately after finishing High School is dedicated to the graphic designer and illustrator, both editorial and advertising. His debut comic takes place in 1990, the International Congress of Comics and Fantasy Prato, where he won first prize with a story entitled Raptus . In July 1991, debuted at number 10 " Fumo di China" with a darkly entitled Eliah , to be followed by a second episode. In June 1992 published a story entitled Berserk number 6 of "The Brave " .

On the number 14 starts, however, a saga of success Sprayliz entitled to enjoy and then, for 11 months of his head from the publisher Star Comics. To " The Brave "also creates Piotr , while for the magazine" Action "Ninja Boy public then and Skaters (who will reappear later on" The Neverland "). In 1995 he won the award for " Fumo di China" best writer full, while Sprayliz premiums go best character and best tested, and this just happens, ironically, while the Star Comics decided to close the book. In 1996 he was also honored by the magazine " IF" during the event Cartoomics as promessa del fumetto italiano . Per Sergio Bonelli Editore lavora poi alla serie “ Legs Weaver” ; e mentre già studiava, insieme a Stefano Vietti (creatore di “Hammer”) una nuova serie che avrebbe dovuto chiamarsi “ Dragonero” , nel 1999 gli viene offerta l'opportunità di creare la nuova testata “ Gea” . “ Dragonero” diventerà poi nel giugno 2007 il primo numero della collana annuale Romanzi a Fumetti Bonelli , scritto con Vietti e disegnato da Giuseppe Matteoni. Nel 2001 inizia a pubblicare per l'editore francese Les Humanoides Associès Morgana , saga techno-fantasy-written with artist Mario Alberti.

In parallel with these projects, the author continues to offer Sprayliz for the independent publisher Florentine Comics & Surroundings, self publishing five books. For the same editor PUTPURRI public, a collection of short stories published previously in magazines and fanzines.

From November 2005 Enoch is also the proprietor of a book entitled aperiodic Amarcord, on the site, which deals with comic books that have particularly affected. Although the author declares that no critical or historiographical intent, but discursive, cutting the pieces is analytical and objective, albeit with notations of personal taste, and highlights the technical aspects of the comic highlights Treaty.

in 2007 illustrates Ice Dragon by George RR Martin, published by Mondadori, and publishes Les Humanoids Associes the first issue of a new series: Rangaku , with designs Maurizio di Vincenzo.

In November 2008 the publication of Lilith series semestrale, sempre per Sergio Bonelli Editore.

Il suo blog è:

Eccellente lavoro Maestro Luca!

Intensive Emt Basic Programs Colorado

unusual pairing: Enoch, Chagall and Lovecraft .... Messages from

Another name extremely well known and worship Luca Enoch .

Sarebbe lunghissimo rammentare tutti i suoi meriti: in poche parole, è uno degli autori più bravi e distinguibili in circolazione.

Il suo marchio di fabbrica è inconfondibile con personaggi come Sprayliz, Gea e la recentissima Lilith , ma non solo….

Il suo disegno miscela insieme un omaggio artistico alla pittura di Marc Chagall e ispirazioni lovecraftiane per un’opera di sicura presa e di fascino notevolissimo.

Ecco Luca Enoch's biography .

Luca Enoch (Milan, June 12, 1962) is an Italian comic book artist.

still in swaddling clothes moved to Monza, before returning to Milan in 1992. In 1994 he married his wife Anna, born in 1998 his first daughter, Isabella, and the second in 2001, Elena.

Immediately after finishing High School is dedicated to the graphic designer and illustrator, both editorial and advertising. His debut comic takes place in 1990, the International Congress of Comics and Fantasy Prato, where he won first prize with a story entitled Raptus . In July 1991, debuted at number 10 " Fumo di China" with a darkly entitled Eliah , to be followed by a second episode. In June 1992 published a story entitled Berserk number 6 of "The Brave " .

On the number 14 starts, however, a saga of success Sprayliz entitled to enjoy and then, for 11 months of his head from the publisher Star Comics. To " The Brave "also creates Piotr , while for the magazine" Action "Ninja Boy public then and Skaters (who will reappear later on" The Neverland "). In 1995 he won the award for " Fumo di China" best writer full, while Sprayliz premiums go best character and best tested, and this just happens, ironically, while the Star Comics decided to close the book. In 1996 he was also honored by the magazine " IF" during the event Cartoomics as promessa del fumetto italiano . Per Sergio Bonelli Editore lavora poi alla serie “ Legs Weaver” ; e mentre già studiava, insieme a Stefano Vietti (creatore di “Hammer”) una nuova serie che avrebbe dovuto chiamarsi “ Dragonero” , nel 1999 gli viene offerta l'opportunità di creare la nuova testata “ Gea” . “ Dragonero” diventerà poi nel giugno 2007 il primo numero della collana annuale Romanzi a Fumetti Bonelli , scritto con Vietti e disegnato da Giuseppe Matteoni. Nel 2001 inizia a pubblicare per l'editore francese Les Humanoides Associès Morgana , saga techno-fantasy-written with artist Mario Alberti.

In parallel with these projects, the author continues to offer Sprayliz for the independent publisher Florentine Comics & Surroundings, self publishing five books. For the same editor PUTPURRI public, a collection of short stories published previously in magazines and fanzines.

From November 2005 Enoch is also the proprietor of a book entitled aperiodic Amarcord, on the site, which deals with comic books that have particularly affected. Although the author declares that no critical or historiographical intent, but discursive, cutting the pieces is analytical and objective, albeit with notations of personal taste, and highlights the technical aspects of the comic highlights Treaty.

in 2007 illustrates Ice Dragon by George RR Martin, published by Mondadori, and publishes Les Humanoids Associes the first issue of a new series: Rangaku , with designs Maurizio di Vincenzo.

In November 2008 the publication of Lilith series semestrale, sempre per Sergio Bonelli Editore.

Il suo blog è:

Eccellente lavoro Maestro Luca!

Average Cost For Hor Dourves

Yuggoth through the brush Onofrio Catacchio ... Roberto

Un altro autore dalla carriera sfolgorante e versatilissima.

Dal ciberpunk al noir, dalla fantascienza popolare all’illustrazione e a numerosissime altre esperienze.

Onofrio Catacchio: un nome che non ha bisogno di presentazioni!

Ecco i momenti più salienti della sua arte, fino ai recentissimi fasti di “Non temerai altro male” .

Onofrio Catacchio nasce a Bari nel 1964. Vive e lavora a Bologna. Pubblica il primo fumetto nel 1987 su “ Frigidaire” , in seguito lavora per riviste d’autore come “ Dolce Vita”, “Fuego”, “Cyborg”, “Il Manifesto”, “Kaos” e “ Nova Express” . In 1988 he created the character of "Red Star" , whose stories have been published by Granata Press and later collected and reprinted by Kappa Edizioni .

More recently, in the course of his career wrote and drew Coliandro , bizarre policeman created by Carlo Lucarelli, illustrates books San Isidro Futbol , Pino Cacucci and Hey Joe , Lorenzo Marzaduri. Andrea Accardi writes Spawn of Hell, which appeared in Italy by Kappa Edizioni and France for Albin Michel . Since 1995 collaborates with Sergio Bonelli Editore drawing episodes of "Nathan Never". By Wu Ming 2 texts makes The Ballad of Corazza published by Bd / High Fidelity and included in the anthology High crime edited by Tito Faraci for Mondadori. Further demonstrate the Diary Gajin Luigi Bernardi. For Gajin, Bernardi has also written a play that the Tract Society has staged including through his drawings. Tales of the diary, the more the dramatic text and images were collected in the volume Gajin! published by Black Velvet. Texts by Andrea realizes Balzala The comic story Farm abnormal, a review of the mutant namesake classic Orwellian Andrea wrote for the theater as part of a complex cross-media project that involves, in addition to comics, video and 3D graphics. The book is branded Cut Up. Since 2008, together with Luigi Bernardi is committed to Habemus Fantomas first volume of the trilogy not fear another bad , edited by BD. In collaboration with Lizart visual communication, is responsible for the covers of some series of fiction published by the Group Publisher Perdisa.

For 10 years the author has taught di fumetto alla “ Nuova Eloisa” di Bologna. Ha insegnato Anatomia Artistica all' Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera a Milano, mentre attualmente insegna Fumetto all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna nonché Sceneggiatura e disegno alla Scuola internazionale dei Comics di Firenze e Reggio Emilia. Grazie a questa attività didattica è in parte responsabile di qualche promessa mantenuta del fumetto italiano.

Sito web:

Thanks for the assistance and kindness, Onofrio!

Average Cost For Hor Dourves

Yuggoth through the brush Onofrio Catacchio ... Roberto

Un altro autore dalla carriera sfolgorante e versatilissima.

Dal ciberpunk al noir, dalla fantascienza popolare all’illustrazione e a numerosissime altre esperienze.

Onofrio Catacchio: un nome che non ha bisogno di presentazioni!

Ecco i momenti più salienti della sua arte, fino ai recentissimi fasti di “Non temerai altro male” .

Onofrio Catacchio nasce a Bari nel 1964. Vive e lavora a Bologna. Pubblica il primo fumetto nel 1987 su “ Frigidaire” , in seguito lavora per riviste d’autore come “ Dolce Vita”, “Fuego”, “Cyborg”, “Il Manifesto”, “Kaos” e “ Nova Express” . In 1988 he created the character of "Red Star" , whose stories have been published by Granata Press and later collected and reprinted by Kappa Edizioni .

More recently, in the course of his career wrote and drew Coliandro , bizarre policeman created by Carlo Lucarelli, illustrates books San Isidro Futbol , Pino Cacucci and Hey Joe , Lorenzo Marzaduri. Andrea Accardi writes Spawn of Hell, which appeared in Italy by Kappa Edizioni and France for Albin Michel . Since 1995 collaborates with Sergio Bonelli Editore drawing episodes of "Nathan Never". By Wu Ming 2 texts makes The Ballad of Corazza published by Bd / High Fidelity and included in the anthology High crime edited by Tito Faraci for Mondadori. Further demonstrate the Diary Gajin Luigi Bernardi. For Gajin, Bernardi has also written a play that the Tract Society has staged including through his drawings. Tales of the diary, the more the dramatic text and images were collected in the volume Gajin! published by Black Velvet. Texts by Andrea realizes Balzala The comic story Farm abnormal, a review of the mutant namesake classic Orwellian Andrea wrote for the theater as part of a complex cross-media project that involves, in addition to comics, video and 3D graphics. The book is branded Cut Up. Since 2008, together with Luigi Bernardi is committed to Habemus Fantomas first volume of the trilogy not fear another bad , edited by BD. In collaboration with Lizart visual communication, is responsible for the covers of some series of fiction published by the Group Publisher Perdisa.

For 10 years the author has taught di fumetto alla “ Nuova Eloisa” di Bologna. Ha insegnato Anatomia Artistica all' Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera a Milano, mentre attualmente insegna Fumetto all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna nonché Sceneggiatura e disegno alla Scuola internazionale dei Comics di Firenze e Reggio Emilia. Grazie a questa attività didattica è in parte responsabile di qualche promessa mantenuta del fumetto italiano.

Sito web:

Thanks for the assistance and kindness, Onofrio!

Miss Milena Velba Forum

Bonadiman is with us!

Without taking anything away from other prodigious artists who have given their contribution, I am particularly pleased to present an author legendary science fiction and fantasy ... Italian

Roberto Bonadiman , whose unique style has marked the comic art of our country in an indelible way.

We all know it is one of the giants, but his point of excellence are the locations and its stylistic inventions about vegetation, fauna, creatures alien, geological formations, technology and so have made history ...

All these qualities stand out so stunning in its image dedicated to "The Mountains of Madness" ... .

Here is his biography.

Roberto Bonadiman born April 27, 1945 in Sona, a small town near Verona. Since childhood he was very moved to the comic: Mickey and Tex are his first readings that encourage them to fill notebooks and notebooks of stories written and drawn.

age twelve years is lost to the movies, the first run of "Forbidden Planet", a cult science fiction films of all time, for its thematic and theological implications. But does not miss the novel published by Urania (Mondadori), which reads a dozen times. The book definitely will affect all its work and will lead him to prefer the fantasy literature, science fiction and fantasy.

Although he made his debut in comics since 1973 and its design has now reached a remarkable level of maturity, still considered an amateur rather than a professional because he devoted himself to comics only a hobby, drawing in his spare time. Winner of many awards, including the "Yellow Kid" for his career (Lucca Comics 1998) initially published Sansoni publishing house, Editions and the North. His stories have appeared in comics for Mondadori, Armenia, independent publishing houses or underground. Currently his works are published by Dada publisher, who reissued in revised version of his masterpieces Citizens space, Rose star , Anhya the Amazon, I Lords of dreams and has published and his latest work, Nightmare Hynn-Phaer .

Very Maestro Roberto!

Miss Milena Velba Forum

Bonadiman is with us!

Without taking anything away from other prodigious artists who have given their contribution, I am particularly pleased to present an author legendary science fiction and fantasy ... Italian

Roberto Bonadiman , whose unique style has marked the comic art of our country in an indelible way.

We all know it is one of the giants, but his point of excellence are the locations and its stylistic inventions about vegetation, fauna, creatures alien, geological formations, technology and so have made history ...

All these qualities stand out so stunning in its image dedicated to "The Mountains of Madness" ... .

Here is his biography.

Roberto Bonadiman born April 27, 1945 in Sona, a small town near Verona. Since childhood he was very moved to the comic: Mickey and Tex are his first readings that encourage them to fill notebooks and notebooks of stories written and drawn.

age twelve years is lost to the movies, the first run of "Forbidden Planet", a cult science fiction films of all time, for its thematic and theological implications. But does not miss the novel published by Urania (Mondadori), which reads a dozen times. The book definitely will affect all its work and will lead him to prefer the fantasy literature, science fiction and fantasy.

Although he made his debut in comics since 1973 and its design has now reached a remarkable level of maturity, still considered an amateur rather than a professional because he devoted himself to comics only a hobby, drawing in his spare time. Winner of many awards, including the "Yellow Kid" for his career (Lucca Comics 1998) initially published Sansoni publishing house, Editions and the North. His stories have appeared in comics for Mondadori, Armenia, independent publishing houses or underground. Currently his works are published by Dada publisher, who reissued in revised version of his masterpieces Citizens space, Rose star , Anhya the Amazon, I Lords of dreams and has published and his latest work, Nightmare Hynn-Phaer .

Very Maestro Roberto!

How To Get Help In Mn For Disable People

The "triptych" of Caracuzzo

recovering from a break with the presentation of the artists involved.

enthusiastic adherent to the project .... Giancarlo Caracuzzo has worked in a composite illustration of extreme level!

Incidentally, since the "Dagon" , the oldest tale of HPL among those selected, it is also the author opens the gallery.

to you a short summary of his long career ...

Giancarlo Caracuzzo was born in Rome on 15/09/1960. In 1979 obtained a diploma of artistic maturity. Since 1982 he has mainly the work of illustrator and cartoonist. Main stages of his career from 1980 to 1986 worked with the theatrical "Stam" as a painter and decorator to the creation of paintings for numerous theatrical plays. At the same time for the publishing house "I mean" makes the cartoon episodes for music magazines such as "Boy comics" and "Rosa schoking" and collaborated on several comic episodes for publishers and Eura Acme. His work continues collaborations with the editor Sergio Bonelli in the construction of five episodes of the character "Martin Mystere" and the publishing house Universe for the magazine "The Brave" and even then with the publisher Granata Press for the magazine "Black." From 1997 to 2003 worked with the editor Sergio Bonelli to the realization of "Julia" and "Nick Raider," while simultaneously working for various advertising agencies and film productions to the creation of story boards and advertising cartoon episodes for promotional purposes. Since 1993 began his activities as founder member and teacher of art in the "Roman School of Comics." For the publishing house "Lo Scarabeo" then realizes "The Tarot of the Samurai." From 2004 to produce Bonelli episodes of "Brad Barron, the American publisher DevilsDUE two stories of superhero serial" INFANTRY "&" DEFEX "Editions Dupuis for the comics on the life of Cleopatra ( La Derniere Reine ) and finally to the publisher Robert Laffont works Les Larmes d'Opium and Potiron . His recent works involve the Star Comics monthly series "Nimrod" and the U.S. publisher IDW Publishing for the realization of the horror miniseries The Last Resort on texts J. Palmiotti & Gray J.


Mirerete and be amazed I am sure!

How To Get Help In Mn For Disable People

The "triptych" of Caracuzzo

recovering from a break with the presentation of the artists involved.

enthusiastic adherent to the project .... Giancarlo Caracuzzo has worked in a composite illustration of extreme level!

Incidentally, since the "Dagon" , the oldest tale of HPL among those selected, it is also the author opens the gallery.

to you a short summary of his long career ...

Giancarlo Caracuzzo was born in Rome on 15/09/1960. In 1979 obtained a diploma of artistic maturity. Since 1982 he has mainly the work of illustrator and cartoonist. Main stages of his career from 1980 to 1986 worked with the theatrical "Stam" as a painter and decorator to the creation of paintings for numerous theatrical plays. At the same time for the publishing house "I mean" makes the cartoon episodes for music magazines such as "Boy comics" and "Rosa schoking" and collaborated on several comic episodes for publishers and Eura Acme. His work continues collaborations with the editor Sergio Bonelli in the construction of five episodes of the character "Martin Mystere" and the publishing house Universe for the magazine "The Brave" and even then with the publisher Granata Press for the magazine "Black." From 1997 to 2003 worked with the editor Sergio Bonelli to the realization of "Julia" and "Nick Raider," while simultaneously working for various advertising agencies and film productions to the creation of story boards and advertising cartoon episodes for promotional purposes. Since 1993 began his activities as founder member and teacher of art in the "Roman School of Comics." For the publishing house "Lo Scarabeo" then realizes "The Tarot of the Samurai." From 2004 to produce Bonelli episodes of "Brad Barron, the American publisher DevilsDUE two stories of superhero serial" INFANTRY "&" DEFEX "Editions Dupuis for the comics on the life of Cleopatra ( La Derniere Reine ) and finally to the publisher Robert Laffont works Les Larmes d'Opium and Potiron . His recent works involve the Star Comics monthly series "Nimrod" and the U.S. publisher IDW Publishing for the realization of the horror miniseries The Last Resort on texts J. Palmiotti & Gray J.


Mirerete and be amazed I am sure!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Pubic Area Is Dark What Do I Do?



Seventh edition with many new features.

Great expectations in the country for the next festival on October 3 color the Old Town. The red must and wine produced from our vines full of grapes that these days promise a good harvest, and taste will also be performing at the hands of volunteers for the Pro site that you are committed to spending a Sunday DIVINE.

The crushers of the Pro Loco have been dusted off and soon will have the right "Bussatura" that will allow our wine-pressers in the grass (all children) not to waste the precious nectar with its ruby \u200b\u200breddish pink foam.

The festival is part of the circuit promoted by the province "the Ori Reggiana Earth" will begin to shine already from early morning with a display of dozens of farmers, while the short chain ch will bring their fresh produce stalls, quality and at a cost not charged.

You can dine in the restaurant in the square this year on the occasion of the twinning with the country Ripa (PG) such as menus will range from Cappelletti, the penne alla Norcia with their precious truffles. Do not miss our

prolochesi confectioners who are already trying out recipes from South Tyrol strauben to the Sicilian donuts, these two products last year became fury last year, demonstrating the high degree of palate of the square.

Many booths managed by us con il marchio proloco indice di qualità e di genuinità, gnocco fritto , erbazzone , polenta fritta, sughi d’uva, zucca fritta vin brulè Aceto balsamico e saba.Vi ricordiamo che tutti gli stand gastronomici possono effettuare il servizio da asporto.

Presso i prati della Rocca troverete la zona rurale, con dimostrazioni pratiche di pigiatura con i piedi per gli adulti, balli nell’aia e cottura del mosto all’antica.
I nostri volontari saranno a vostra disposizione per rispondere alle vostre domande e alle vostre curiosità che sicuramente scaturiranno nel vedere questo angolo di festa.

Al piano nobile della Rocca potrete vedere-ascoltare “ A TUTTI COLORO CHE SONO IN ASCOLTO”. La Guglielmo Marconi transistor radios. Organized by the Cultural Club La Rocca, private collection Zagni

In the Chapel of St. John Rocca always, you will find an exhibition-collezzione Longagnani Remo, the world of Remus, Old Trades: moving thumbnails.

In the meadows in front of the entrance ramp to the Castle Museum of operations of the laboratories from 10.30 to 12.20 and from 15.30 to 17.30. We build nice
cork coasters decorated with autumn, all themed with the holiday.

in the rural area will present the book "Cheese and Honey." Will present the two authors, Dr. Julie Bagnoli and Dr. Luigi Pacchiarini (agronomist Province) also sarà presente il Sig. Valter Bonazzi presidente di guastalla Ambiente e curatore del libro e della collana “DALLA NATURA AL CIBO” di cui il volume che andiamo a presentare fa parte.

Il nostro Museo dell’Agricoltura e del Mondo Rurale aperto tutto il giorno, proporrarrà nei prati adiacenti la rampa di ingresso al castello simpatici laboratori per tutti i bambini dalle 10,30 alle 12,30 e dalle 15,30 alle 17,30

Sarà presente il GRUPPO ARGO con lo staff al completo dell ARGO TEAM che festeggerà nel nostro Paese la vittoria al campionato nazionale di TRACTOR PULLING e per l'occasione potrete ammirare e ascoltare da vicinissimo il ruggito dei "MOSTRI VINCENTI" ed entrare nel mondo affascinante di queste races, you will find the staff of''ARGO team at your disposal for your questions.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

My Pubic Area Is Dark What Do I Do?



Seventh edition with many new features.

Great expectations in the country for the next festival on October 3 color the Old Town. The red must and wine produced from our vines full of grapes that these days promise a good harvest, and taste will also be performing at the hands of volunteers for the Pro site that you are committed to spending a Sunday DIVINE.

The crushers of the Pro Loco have been dusted off and soon will have the right "Bussatura" that will allow our wine-pressers in the grass (all children) not to waste the precious nectar with its ruby \u200b\u200breddish pink foam.

The festival is part of the circuit promoted by the province "the Ori Reggiana Earth" will begin to shine already from early morning with a display of dozens of farmers, while the short chain ch will bring their fresh produce stalls, quality and at a cost not charged.

You can dine in the restaurant in the square this year on the occasion of the twinning with the country Ripa (PG) such as menus will range from Cappelletti, the penne alla Norcia with their precious truffles. Do not miss our

prolochesi confectioners who are already trying out recipes from South Tyrol strauben to the Sicilian donuts, these two products last year became fury last year, demonstrating the high degree of palate of the square.

Many booths managed by us con il marchio proloco indice di qualità e di genuinità, gnocco fritto , erbazzone , polenta fritta, sughi d’uva, zucca fritta vin brulè Aceto balsamico e saba.Vi ricordiamo che tutti gli stand gastronomici possono effettuare il servizio da asporto.

Presso i prati della Rocca troverete la zona rurale, con dimostrazioni pratiche di pigiatura con i piedi per gli adulti, balli nell’aia e cottura del mosto all’antica.
I nostri volontari saranno a vostra disposizione per rispondere alle vostre domande e alle vostre curiosità che sicuramente scaturiranno nel vedere questo angolo di festa.

Al piano nobile della Rocca potrete vedere-ascoltare “ A TUTTI COLORO CHE SONO IN ASCOLTO”. La Guglielmo Marconi transistor radios. Organized by the Cultural Club La Rocca, private collection Zagni

In the Chapel of St. John Rocca always, you will find an exhibition-collezzione Longagnani Remo, the world of Remus, Old Trades: moving thumbnails.

In the meadows in front of the entrance ramp to the Castle Museum of operations of the laboratories from 10.30 to 12.20 and from 15.30 to 17.30. We build nice
cork coasters decorated with autumn, all themed with the holiday.

in the rural area will present the book "Cheese and Honey." Will present the two authors, Dr. Julie Bagnoli and Dr. Luigi Pacchiarini (agronomist Province) also sarà presente il Sig. Valter Bonazzi presidente di guastalla Ambiente e curatore del libro e della collana “DALLA NATURA AL CIBO” di cui il volume che andiamo a presentare fa parte.

Il nostro Museo dell’Agricoltura e del Mondo Rurale aperto tutto il giorno, proporrarrà nei prati adiacenti la rampa di ingresso al castello simpatici laboratori per tutti i bambini dalle 10,30 alle 12,30 e dalle 15,30 alle 17,30

Sarà presente il GRUPPO ARGO con lo staff al completo dell ARGO TEAM che festeggerà nel nostro Paese la vittoria al campionato nazionale di TRACTOR PULLING e per l'occasione potrete ammirare e ascoltare da vicinissimo il ruggito dei "MOSTRI VINCENTI" ed entrare nel mondo affascinante di queste races, you will find the staff of''ARGO team at your disposal for your questions.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Andrea Porcelain Falcon

The last two (really hatches closed now) to get on board!

waiting to have more banners to be published, here I am with the two most recent news concerning the project ...
Remember that I had talked about a mysterious author which did not yet know if he would make it in time to give me the picture?
Well, we did it!
is the very talented designer from Naples Pasquale Qualiano known overseas for his work on "She-Hulk" and several other independent series, as well as for his work in various fields Italic, sculpture, advertising , illustration, comics ...
Pasquale has realized the second beautiful image inspired by "The mice in the wall" I am grateful, particularly in light of the fact that I am very attached to that story for emotional reasons ;-) I said ..
two surprises.
The second is the presence of Giancarlo Olivares , just come down from the ship in company Hammer Special Agent Alpha who, having heard about the project I asked her to participate sponte. For the skin of our teeth, but we did it! Thanks to the fact that Giancarlo, ready ... go! was able to produce the image in a flash and to deliver it. To him my warmest gratitude is the last and final author to get on board now almost in sight of the port ( now there's really no more time people! We will talk about for a possible Artbook 2 in future nebulous and still to come ... and will depend greatly on the response that will have this artbook ). Giancarlo
he has experimented with "He who whispered in the darkness" and the result was really in my opinion eccellente. Grazie!!!
A prestissimo con i nuovi banners!

Andrea Porcelain Falcon

The last two (really hatches closed now) to get on board!

waiting to have more banners to be published, here I am with the two most recent news concerning the project ...
Remember that I had talked about a mysterious author which did not yet know if he would make it in time to give me the picture?
Well, we did it!
is the very talented designer from Naples Pasquale Qualiano known overseas for his work on "She-Hulk" and several other independent series, as well as for his work in various fields Italic, sculpture, advertising , illustration, comics ...
Pasquale has realized the second beautiful image inspired by "The mice in the wall" I am grateful, particularly in light of the fact that I am very attached to that story for emotional reasons ;-) I said ..
two surprises.
The second is the presence of Giancarlo Olivares , just come down from the ship in company Hammer Special Agent Alpha who, having heard about the project I asked her to participate sponte. For the skin of our teeth, but we did it! Thanks to the fact that Giancarlo, ready ... go! was able to produce the image in a flash and to deliver it. To him my warmest gratitude is the last and final author to get on board now almost in sight of the port ( now there's really no more time people! We will talk about for a possible Artbook 2 in future nebulous and still to come ... and will depend greatly on the response that will have this artbook ). Giancarlo
he has experimented with "He who whispered in the darkness" and the result was really in my opinion eccellente. Grazie!!!
A prestissimo con i nuovi banners!