Monday, February 7, 2011

Eysee Toothbrush Heads

WHITE Only * Cover Yourself!



The phenomenon has t-shirts transformed in a matter of time in a must-have for all season without compromise and to all women.

Today we speak of 65031_170719719616516_100000354663602_420145_6719133_n
WHITE * t-shirt

a young brand that has rediscovered a leader must like t-shirts, always ready to change and find a new and different identity.
White is the base from which, as a canvas for a painter or a roll for a photographer.

But we know better than the two designers.

Who hides behind the brand since WHITE * T-shirts?

- behind
hide Ylenia and Gianmario, family life and work, you know two years ago as a joke and give life to this project, motivated simply by their passion for t -shirt, garment in their wardrobe inevitable
Gianmario è grafico e fotografo, autore dei disegni che prendono vita sulle t-shirt, Ylenia fashionista accanita si occupa di ricerca e distribuzione del marchio.

Come e quando nasce l’idea di creare un brand?

- l'idea di WHITE* nasce appunto 2 anni fa, semplicemente dalla foto scattata da Gianmario al volto di una bambola vintage e dall'idea lampo di imprimerla su una t-shirt  e provare a venderla all'inizio in un mercatino artigianale , da qui poi  il grande successo e la grande richiesta da parte sia di ragazzi che di ragazze della nostra città , e poi sempre x caso, da parte di shops.

What is the idea behind the brand whitershirt?

- the inspiration, I am referring to the earlier question ... certainly the same picture, and the passion of the T-shirt, because white goes with everything.

WHITE * t-shirt as a blank canvas?

- undoubtedly ... Gianmario certainly use the t-shirt as a drawing pad (apart from drawing on anything that happens under his hand!! ): P

How do you work in the creative process?
- our creativity is inspired by anything we happen during the day, from what we see on the street, a word, a chance encounter, from everything that surrounds us!

a t-shirt can be a means of personal identification?
- for us the t-shirt is a chameleon-like garment, which combines and adapts to every occasion, to wear with everything, whether it is dressed in an elegant, fashion, sports, casual or with pajamas: P, also also only starting from the choice of a t-shirt WHITE *, a drawing that among the many hits you, you can identify in an idea, and wearing a white t-shirt *, you can get carrying a different message each time, to communicate something you like!

programs, future plans, aspirations

- x projects the future? all in WHITE!

WHITE* t-shirt
è anche
accessori super glamour e originalissimi.

Immagine 13
“Per tutto questo e molto di più , nel vostro armadio non fatevi assolutamente mancare una
WHITE* t-shirt 73964_166728560015632_100000354663602_395480_1631680_n !” 


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